We sold a car on the street

Created by bwilt 12 years ago
Never forget the day my wife and I put a "for sale" sign on a drug dealers car. Patrick and Babylon came along in that old falling apart bakkie just as one of the "main manne" in Kestell was grilling us to find out more about this "cheap" Merc SLK for R30k. I have never seen Patrick laugh as hard when he heard what we had done, the tears were running down his cheeks and Babylon was going crazy on the back of the bakkie. This drug dealer had a habit of parking his car in the parking lot in front of our gate and going off in another old car. We got tired of this and decided to put a for sale sign for R30k, the response was hilarious, Patrick, my wife and myself secretly took a video of the responses. He really loved looking at the video just about every time he visited. Another hilarious Patrick story was the one with the bees. He was doing our garden at the time and all of a sudden all the workers started screaming and running off down the street. There was a beehive in a hole in a huge pear tree and every time the worker with the lawnmower got close to the tree the bees went beserk. Patrick decides the only way to get the bees calmed down was to close the hole. He mixed a bunch of cement to close the hole, but every time he got close the bees would attack him. No problem, he says, "give me a net curtain and they can't reach me" Of course they still got him. We decide to get into the bakkie with the bucket of cement and drive up to the tree with the cement in the bucket, I quickly open the window and he throws the cement over the hole and I quickly close the window. We reverse away from the tree and we still sitting in the bakkie laughing like lunatics. The next moment his mom arrives at the gate, get's out of the car and walks toward us to speak to him, he was shouting and showing his mom to go away, she must have thought we are crazy. We gonna miss you old pal.